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55 Years in HPC: One Woman’s Experiences and Perspectives

These are the slides used for an HPC Webinar in conversation with Jean Shuler and her 55+ years of experience in HPC.

Jean graduated with a degree in Mathematics from William and Mary in 1963 and taught herself programming on the job at NASA Langley. By 1972, she came to LLNL where she has worked ever since. She initially worked on early data storage and graphics systems. Challenges in learning to use computing center resources gave Jean a passion for helping others find their way in HPC. She eventually led User Services for the National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Center. This role took Jean all over the world contributing to Cray User Group meetings. When NERSC moved from LLNL in 1996, Jean created and led the User Services Group for Livermore Computing. Throughout her career, Jean has supported various HPC systems from CDC, Cray, Meiko, and IBM on the march to Exascale.

A video recording is also available.

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jean_shuler_hpc_webinar_opt.pdf (10MB)
jean_shuler_hpc_webinar_opt.pptx (200MB)
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.pdf 10873711 (10MB) Standard quality PDF. Not smallest possible.
.pptx 200943054 (200MB) Native/orig. maybe very large PowerPoint.
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