unit/launcher.py# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CLASSES: nightly
# Test Case: launcher.py
# Tests: This script tests internallauncher's transformation of visit
# command line arguments into parallel launch arguments.
# Brad Whitlock, Tue Sep 11 12:31:34 PDT 2012
# Modifications:
# Brad Whitlock, Fri Dec 7 09:08:22 PST 2012
# I added a little more filtering of the launcher output to replace the host
# with $HOST now that the noloopback case will always use the real host
# name instead of for parallel engine launches.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import socket
import subprocess
import getpass
# The launch cases we want to test.
launch_cases = {
"aprun" : ["-nn", "1"],
"bsub" : ["-p", "pbatch", "-t", "30:00", "-la", "-arg1 -arg2"],
"bsub/mpirun" : ["-p", "pbatch", "-t", "30:00", "-la", "-arg1 -arg2", "-sla", "-arg3 -arg4"],
"dmpirun" : ["-b", "bdivp"],
"ibrun" : [],
"mpirun" : [],
"msub/aprun" : ["-nn", "1", "-sla", "-arg1 -arg2", "-hw-pre", "startx", "-hw-post", "stopx"],
"msub/ibrun" : ["-hw-pre", "startx", "-hw-post", "stopx"],
"msub/mpiexec" : ["-slpre", "echo 'slprecommand'", "-slpost", "echo 'slpostcommand'", "-sla", "-arg1 -arg2", "-machinefile", "machine.txt", "-hw-pre", "startx", "-hw-post", "stopx"],
"msub/mpirun" : ["-sla", "-arg1 -arg2", "-machinefile", "machine.txt", "-hw-pre", "startx", "-hw-post", "stopx"],
"msub/srun" : ["-sla", "-arg1 -arg2", "-hw-pre", "startx", "-hw-post", "stopx"],
"poe" : ["-nn", "1", "-p", "pbatch"],
"prun" : ["-nn", "1", "-p", "pbatch"],
"psub" : ["-n", "JOB_NAME", "-p", "pbatch", "-b", "bdivp", "-t", "30:00", "-expedite", "-slpre", "echo 'pre command'", "-slpost", "echo 'post command'"],
"psub/mpirun" : ["-nn", "1", "-n", "JOB_NAME", "-p", "pbatch", "-b", "bdivp", "-t", "30:00", "-expedite", "-slpre", "echo 'pre command'", "-slpost", "echo 'post command'"],
"psub/srun" : ["-nn", "1", "-n", "JOB_NAME", "-p", "pbatch", "-b", "bdivp", "-t", "30:00", "-expedite", "-slpre", "echo 'pre command'", "-slpost", "echo 'post command'"],
"salloc" : ["-p", "pbatch", "-t", "30:00", "-nn", "1"],
"sbatch" : ["-p", "pbatch", "-b", "bdivp", "-nn", "1"],
"sbatch/aprun" : ["-p", "pbatch", "-b", "bdivp", "-nn", "1", "-sla", "-arg1 -arg2"],
"srun" : ["-nn", "1", "-p", "pbatch", "-b", "bdivp", "-n", "JOB_NAME", "-t", "30:00"],
"yod" : []}
# Some debugger arguments.
debuggers = [[], ["-totalview", "engine_par"], ["-valgrind", "engine_par"], ["-strace", "engine_par"]]
# Get the launcher command for new versions of VisIt.
def GetLauncherCommand(args):
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
ru = stdout.find("RUN USING")
if ru != -1:
cmd = stdout[ru + 11:-2]
cmd = stdout
return cmd
def FilterLauncherOutput(text, replacements):
for k in list(replacements.keys()):
text = text.replace(k, replacements[k])
return text
def FilterHostName(text):
host = text.find("-host")
port = text.find("-port")
if host != -1 and port != -1:
return text[:host + 6] + "$HOST " + text[port:]
return text
def hostname():
return socket.gethostname()
def nodename():
return hostname().split(".")[0]
def sectorname():
s = nodename()
for d in "0123456789":
s = s.replace(d, "")
return s
def FormatLauncherOutput(cmd):
tmpvisit = cmd.find("/tmp/visit")
text = ""
if tmpvisit == -1:
text = cmd
# The launcher made a script. Get the contents of the script.
index = tmpvisit
while cmd[index] != '\n':
index = index + 1
filename = cmd[tmpvisit:index]
filename = cmd[tmpvisit:]
cmd = cmd.replace(filename, "$LAUNCHSCRIPT")
text = text + cmd
lines = open(filename, "rt").readlines()
text = text + '\n\nContents of $LAUNCHSCRIPT:\n'
for line in lines:
text = text + line
return text
# For each launcher
i = 0
keys = list(launch_cases.keys())
for k in keys:
# Test the launcher with each debugger.
j = 0
text = ""
for j in range(len(debuggers)):
np = []
if not "-np" in launch_cases[k]:
np = ["-np", "8"]
args = ["-engine", "-norun", "engine_par", "-l", k] + np + launch_cases[k] + ["-host", "", "-port", "5600"] + debuggers[j]
# Come up with a visit command
cmd = ""
for a in args:
if " " in a:
cmd = cmd + '"%s" ' % a
cmd = cmd + a + ' '
# Run the launcher and get the output.
visitdir = pjoin(TestEnv.params["top_dir"],"src")
visittestdir = pjoin(TestEnv.params["top_dir"],"test")
visit = visit_bin_path("visit")
output = FormatLauncherOutput(GetLauncherCommand([visit] + args))
# filter the run dir, since there are multiple variants for nightly tests
# (serial, par, etc)
output = FilterLauncherOutput(output, {TestEnv.params["run_dir"]: "$VISIT_TEST_DIR"})
output = FilterLauncherOutput(output, {TestEnv.params["result_dir"] : "$VISIT_TEST_DIR"})
# Filter out visitdir and some related directories.
output = FilterLauncherOutput(output, {visit_bin_path() : "$VISIT_EXE_DIR"})
output = FilterLauncherOutput(output, {visit_bin_path("..","exe") : "$VISIT_EXE_DIR"})
output = FilterLauncherOutput(output, {visittestdir : "$VISIT_TEST_DIR"})
output = FilterLauncherOutput(output, {visit_bin_path("..") : "$VISITDIR"})
output = FilterLauncherOutput(output, {visitdir : "$VISITDIR"})
# special case filter to resolve csh vs bash env differences
bash_case = "ulimit -c 0 ;"
bash_case += " LIBPATH=$VISITDIR/lib ;"
bash_case += " export LIBPATH ;"
bash_case += " LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$VISITDIR/lib ;"
bash_case += " export LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
csh_case = "limit coredumpsize 0 ;"
csh_case += " setenv LIBPATH $VISITDIR/lib ;"
csh_case += " setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $VISITDIR/lib"
shell_filter = {bash_case : csh_case}
output = FilterLauncherOutput(output, shell_filter)
# Filter out $HOME.
output = FilterLauncherOutput(output, {os.environ["HOME"] : "$HOME"})
cdcmd = "cd $VISIT_TEST_DIR"
# Filter out some other stuff.
replacements = {getpass.getuser() : "$USER",
Version() : "$VERSION",
"linux-intel" : "$PLATFORM",
"linux-x86_64" : "$PLATFORM",
"darwin-i386" : "$PLATFORM",
"darwin-arm64" : "$PLATFORM",
"darwin-x86_64" : "$PLATFORM"}
output = FilterLauncherOutput(output, replacements)
output = FilterHostName(output)
# Do the test
text = text + "="*80 + "\n"
text = text + "CASE: %s\n\nINPUT: visit %s\n\nRESULTS:\n" % (k + " " + " ".join(debuggers[j]), cmd[:-1])
text = text + output + "\n"*2
name = k.replace("/", "_")
TestText(name, text)
i = i + 1