session/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CLASSES: nightly
# Test Case:
# Tests: mesh - 2D curvilinear, single domain
# plots - Boundary, FilledBoundary
# Notes: This test case makes sure that VisIt sessions that made heavy
# use of database correlations can have that information
# correctly captured in a session file.
# Programmer: Brad Whitlock
# Date: Thu Mar 25 11:32:09 PDT 2004
# Modifications:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import string
def GetTruncatedWindowInformationString():
# Get the window information and convert it to a string.
s = str(GetWindowInformation())
# Only use the first 5 or so lines from the string.
lines = s.split("\n")
s = ""
for i in range(5):
if(i < len(lines)):
s = s + lines[i]
s = s + "\n"
return s
def TestLength(testname):
tsLength = TimeSliderGetNStates()
testString = "%s has %d states\n" % (GetActiveTimeSlider(), tsLength)
testString = testString + GetTruncatedWindowInformationString()
TestText(testname, testString)
ra1 = GetRenderingAttributes()
# Restore the session file and make sure that it at the right time step
# and has the right time slider.
RestoreSessionWithDifferentSources(tests_path("session","correlationsession.session"), 0,
# Restore the scalable rendering mode for the tests.
ra2 = GetRenderingAttributes()
ra2.scalableActivationMode = ra1.scalableActivationMode
ra2.scalableAutoThreshold = ra1.scalableActivationMode
# Make sure we have the right active source by making a new plot. The active
# source should be dbA00.pdb
AddPlot("Boundary", "material(mesh)")
b = BoundaryAttributes()
b.colorType = b.ColorBySingleColor
b.singleColor = (255,255,0,255)
b.lineWidth = 2
# Make sure that we can advance to the end of the time slider. Save some
# test images along the way though.
timeSliders = GetTimeSliders()
currentState = timeSliders[GetActiveTimeSlider()]
endState = TimeSliderGetNStates() - 1
nSteps = 4
start = currentState + int(float(endState - currentState) / float(nSteps))
testIndex = 3
for i in range(nSteps):
t = float(i) / float(nSteps - 1)
omt = 1. - t
state = int(omt * float(start) + t * float(endState))
Test("correlationsession%02d" % testIndex)
TestLength("correlationsession%02d" % (testIndex + 1))
testIndex = testIndex + 2