quickrecipes/expressions.py# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CLASSES: nightly
# Test Case: expressions.py
# Programmer: Eric Brugger
# Date: August 26, 2022
# Modificatons:
# Kathleen Biagas, Mon Sep 12, 2022
# Change OpenDatabase call to use 'silo_data_path' so that the test can
# run on Windows.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Sections of this test file are 'literalinclude'd in quickrecipes.rst.
# After modifying this file, ensure the proper content is still displayed in the doc.
# comments of the form '# sometext {' and '# sometext }' bracket the sections
# that are 'literalinclude'd in quickrecipes.rst.
# mapMaterialsToValues {
# Create an expression that maps material numbers to scalar values.
# var is the name of the expression.
# mat is the name of the material variable.
# mesh is the name of the mesh variable.
# pairs is a list of tuples of material number and scalar value.
# The material number of the last tuple of the list is ignored and the value
# will be used for all the remaining materials.
def create_mat_value_expr(var, mat, mesh, pairs):
nlist = len(pairs)
ilist = 0
for pair in pairs:
ilist = ilist + 1
parens = parens + ")"
if (ilist == nlist):
expr = expr + "zonal_constant(%s,%f" % (mesh, pair[1]) + parens
expr=expr + "if(eq(dominant_mat(%s),zonal_constant(%s,%d)),zonal_constant(%s,%f)," % (mat, mesh, pair[0], mesh, pair[1])
DefineScalarExpression(var, expr)
# Call the function to create the expression.
mat_val_pairs = [(1, 0.75), (3, 1.2), (6, 0.2), (7, 1.6), (8, 1.8), (11, 2.2), (-1, 2.5)]
create_mat_value_expr("myvar", "mat1", "quadmesh2d", mat_val_pairs)
# Create a pseudocolor plot of the expression.
AddPlot("Pseudocolor", "myvar")
# mapMaterialsToValues }